Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

veggie burger

Veggie Burger

black coffee  accompanied by square bowl of olives

Black Coffee Accompanied By Square Bowl Of Olives

wooden plate with pastry and assorted berries

Wooden Plate With Pastry And Assorted Berries

picturesque restaurant under fairy lights

Picturesque Restaurant Under Fairy Lights

hot coffee in ceramic cup

Hot Coffee In Ceramic Cup

young man and woman at table in coffee shop

Young Man And Woman At Table In Coffee Shop

cozy empty restaurant

Cozy Empty Restaurant

breakfast croissant sandwich cafe

Breakfast Croissant Sandwich Cafe

coffee mug and pot sitting on a black surface

Coffee Mug And Pot Sitting On A Black Surface

meatball appetizers

Meatball Appetizers

gourmet pasta in white bowl

Gourmet Pasta In White Bowl

open 24 hours

Open 24 Hours

flatbread and fries

Flatbread And Fries

salmon and lox

Salmon And Lox

lemon chicken with sesame

Lemon Chicken With Sesame

gourmet pizza on pan

Gourmet Pizza On Pan

casual talking at restaurant table

Casual Talking At Restaurant Table

fine food dining in style

Fine Food Dining In Style

linen napkin on a restaurant table

Linen Napkin On A Restaurant Table

shelves filled with glassware and jars of preserves

Shelves Filled With Glassware And Jars Of Preserves

wooden table with a book and drinks

Wooden Table With A Book And Drinks

fresh water on restaurant table

Fresh Water On Restaurant Table

woman sits at a wooden table and holds a book

Woman Sits At A Wooden Table And Holds A Book

a corner of a lit restaurant after hours

A Corner Of A Lit Restaurant After Hours

classic bbq dining

Classic Bbq Dining

man works on his laptop and wears facemask

Man Works On His Laptop And Wears Facemask

restaurant entrance with wine bottles in the window

Restaurant Entrance With Wine Bottles In The Window

the interior of a restaurant after hours

The Interior Of A Restaurant After Hours

hand holds a small cup and pours water into it

Hand Holds A Small Cup And Pours Water Into It

delux pizza slices being served

Delux Pizza Slices Being Served

fingers pinch the handle of mug of hot chocolate

Fingers Pinch The Handle Of Mug Of Hot Chocolate

raw coffee being harvested

Raw Coffee Being Harvested

bar filled with glassware and an espresso machine

Bar Filled With Glassware And An Espresso Machine

people wearing facemasks wait to be seated in a cafe

People Wearing Facemasks Wait To Be Seated In A Cafe

a barista chats to a customer at the cash till

A Barista Chats To A Customer At The Cash Till

a person enjoys cheesey fondue

A Person Enjoys Cheesey Fondue

family restaurant meals on table

Family Restaurant Meals On Table

butter melting on warm muffin over coffee and magazines

Butter Melting On Warm Muffin Over Coffee And Magazines

plant near iced coffee on marble cafe counter

Plant Near Iced Coffee On Marble Cafe Counter

flame broiled hamburger with garnishes

Flame Broiled Hamburger With Garnishes

virtual interior design

Virtual Interior Design

close up of hot chocolate with a sprinkle of cocoa and brownies

Close Up Of Hot Chocolate With A Sprinkle Of Cocoa And Brownies

top view of a table of shared food

Top View Of A Table Of Shared Food

delicious dumplings

Delicious Dumplings

person enjoys a quinoa salad

Person Enjoys A Quinoa Salad

scrumptious brunch setting

Scrumptious Brunch Setting

sloppy joe with pickles chips

Sloppy Joe With Pickles Chips

friendly smile from across the table

Friendly Smile From Across The Table

a hot bowl of soup on a table top

A Hot Bowl Of Soup On A Table Top

two silver trays with burgers potatoes salad and sauce

Two Silver Trays With Burgers Potatoes Salad And Sauce

person cuts into plate of pasta

Person Cuts Into Plate Of Pasta

narrow city street with rustic tall buildings

Narrow City Street With Rustic Tall Buildings

fry basket with frites and chicken

Fry Basket With Frites And Chicken

coffee machine pour close up

Coffee Machine Pour Close Up

korean bbq and restaurant dining

Korean Bbq And Restaurant Dining

person sits alone by the window of a quiet restaurant

Person Sits Alone By The Window Of A Quiet Restaurant

grilled japanese food

Grilled Japanese Food

hand places biscotti cookie over a cup of coffee

Hand Places Biscotti Cookie Over A Cup Of Coffee

a young couple chat over coffee

A Young Couple Chat Over Coffee

ramen bowl with sides

Ramen Bowl With Sides

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