Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

mint green mug full of black coffee on top of books

Mint Green Mug Full Of Black Coffee On Top Of Books

moroccan meal in tagine

Moroccan Meal In Tagine

interior of a restaurant with single person at the bar

Interior Of A Restaurant With Single Person At The Bar

dinner for one of wood fired pizza paired with cold beer

Dinner For One Of Wood Fired Pizza Paired With Cold Beer

two tacos

Two Tacos

espresso machine with dark wood handles

Espresso Machine With Dark Wood Handles

plated tacos

Plated Tacos

bird image in latte art

Bird Image In Latte Art

smores cake slice

Smores Cake Slice

egg white cocktail

Egg White Cocktail

person enjoys lunch alone in a sunlit restaurant

Person Enjoys Lunch Alone In A Sunlit Restaurant

hand holding freshly picked coffee

Hand Holding Freshly Picked Coffee

a bunch of cardboard pizza boxes

A Bunch Of Cardboard Pizza Boxes

cafe bar chalkboard menu

Cafe Bar Chalkboard Menu

latte art on book

Latte Art On Book

wine shelves

Wine Shelves

empty restaurant awaits diners

Empty Restaurant Awaits Diners

who needs coffee

Who Needs Coffee

iced latte at coffee shop window

Iced Latte At Coffee Shop Window

vietnamese food and pho

Vietnamese Food And Pho

three spanakopita spirals on textured plate

Three Spanakopita Spirals On Textured Plate

i like coffee

I Like Coffee

bar tacos

Bar Tacos

coffee plant

Coffee Plant

a man and a woman are framed against a sunny window

A Man And A Woman Are Framed Against A Sunny Window

here you go

Here You Go

classic pizza with peppers and parmesian

Classic Pizza With Peppers And Parmesian

greek dinner in restaurant

Greek Dinner In Restaurant

splashing coffee as it pours

Splashing Coffee As It Pours

coffee beans on branch

Coffee Beans On Branch

asian cuisine rice shrimp seafood beef

Asian Cuisine Rice Shrimp Seafood Beef

cafe cup on wood table

Cafe Cup On Wood Table

back lit bar shelves

Back Lit Bar Shelves

coffee cup on wooden table

Coffee Cup On Wooden Table

saucy honey garlic wings

Saucy Honey Garlic Wings

wood set table at restaurant

Wood Set Table At Restaurant

seafood feast at restaurant

Seafood Feast At Restaurant

chinese tea

Chinese Tea

people sit outside building lit with red light

People Sit Outside Building Lit With Red Light

japanese food in restaurant

Japanese Food In Restaurant

close up of crusty spanakopita

Close Up Of Crusty Spanakopita

close up of warm dinner setting

Close Up Of Warm Dinner Setting

bbq fried chicken and fish

Bbq Fried Chicken And Fish

person carries a wooden box full of dough balls

Person Carries A Wooden Box Full Of Dough Balls

he makes her smile

He Makes Her Smile

waffle breakfast

Waffle Breakfast

rocks glass with ice and water on a wooden table

Rocks Glass With Ice And Water On A Wooden Table

pouring some latte art

Pouring Some Latte Art

barista pours steamed milk on espresso

Barista Pours Steamed Milk On Espresso

entrance to a restaurant on a street corner

Entrance To A Restaurant On A Street Corner

self-serve coffee shop

Self-Serve Coffee Shop

pad thai

Pad Thai

tray with fried a burger and a glass ramekin

Tray With Fried A Burger And A Glass Ramekin

fresh grilled hamburger on bun

Fresh Grilled Hamburger On Bun

barista pours over coffee at cafe

Barista Pours Over Coffee At Cafe

waffles with whipped cream

Waffles With Whipped Cream

a linen napkin topped with a gold-lettered menu

A Linen Napkin Topped With A Gold-Lettered Menu

coffee shop table with iced latte

Coffee Shop Table With Iced Latte

serving coffee shop customer

Serving Coffee Shop Customer

man hand with tea and granola

Man Hand With Tea And Granola

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