Cafe & Restaurant images

Browse our gallery of restaurant and cafe stock images! Whether you need a pic to spice up a blog post or are putting the finishing touches on your restaurant's website - download an image for free and use it in your next commercial project!

couple on coffee date

Couple On Coffee Date

healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

table for two

Table For Two

hamburger and fries

Hamburger And Fries

hotel breakfast room service

Hotel Breakfast Room Service

hard work pays off

Hard Work Pays Off

dinner salad

Dinner Salad

latte art

Latte Art

a woman in her shop

A Woman In Her Shop

coffee and cake

Coffee And Cake

plated smoked salmon

Plated Smoked Salmon

root vegetable salad

Root Vegetable Salad

journal and coffee at table

Journal And Coffee At Table

indian food on restaurant table

Indian Food On Restaurant Table

milk swirling as poured in coffee

Milk Swirling As Poured In Coffee



fresh plated salad

Fresh Plated Salad

barista pour over coffee from copper kettle

Barista Pour Over Coffee From Copper Kettle

chocolate marshmallow cake

Chocolate Marshmallow Cake

wood handled espresso machine

Wood Handled Espresso Machine

man at diner counter

Man At Diner Counter

free images of food

Thai Food Takeout

cafe patio

Cafe Patio

man smiles over coffee in cafe

Man Smiles Over Coffee In Cafe

afternoon coffee and coffee cake

Afternoon Coffee And Coffee Cake

shellfish pasta pizza and italian food

Shellfish Pasta Pizza And Italian Food

bacon and eggs breakfast

Bacon And Eggs Breakfast

eggy breakfast

Eggy Breakfast

shrimp lunch dish

Shrimp Lunch Dish

pour over coffee to order at cafe

Pour Over Coffee To Order At Cafe

salad with chicken

Salad With Chicken

baked dip with nachos

Baked Dip With Nachos

fried chicken wings pub food

Fried Chicken Wings Pub Food

smiling cafe owner

Smiling Cafe Owner

Lunch, brunch, dinner and supper mixed grill recipes fried chicken, side dish and salad

Fried Comfort Food Chicken

rose wine on table

Rose Wine On Table

healthy breakfast for two

Healthy Breakfast For Two

a barista smiles proudly stood in her cafe

A Barista Smiles Proudly Stood In Her Cafe

wild salmon dinner

Wild Salmon Dinner

hotel room service classic breakfast

Hotel Room Service Classic Breakfast

cucumber water

Cucumber Water

welcome to my business

Welcome To My Business

slicing fresh bread

Slicing Fresh Bread

bright winter through cafe window

Bright Winter Through Cafe Window

wonton appetizer

Wonton Appetizer

hot fresh donut

Hot Fresh Donut

fresh appetizers & cocktails

Fresh Appetizers & Cocktails

a pair of acai bowls

A Pair Of Acai Bowls

hand holds rainbow carrots

Hand Holds Rainbow Carrots

open-kitchen restaurant

Open-kitchen Restaurant

hands cupping coffee

Hands Cupping Coffee

penne alla vodka

Penne Alla Vodka

pouring red wine

Pouring Red Wine

whole grain healthy pancakes

Whole Grain Healthy Pancakes

pub food spread

Pub Food Spread

assorted korean foods in restaurant

Assorted Korean Foods In Restaurant

finger food and drinks on dark wood

Finger Food And Drinks On Dark Wood

butter chicken indian dining

Butter Chicken Indian Dining

deli with cured meat on hooks and eggs on counter

Deli With Cured Meat On Hooks And Eggs On Counter

pouring maple syrup on waffles

Pouring Maple Syrup On Waffles

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