Dewdrops and rain drops

Free stock photo collection of fresh plants, fruits and vegetables that have been enhanced with a splash of water.

rain coming down window

Rain Coming Down Window

white hydrangea blossoms with water

White Hydrangea Blossoms With Water

reds for lips

Reds For Lips

rain drops on roses

Rain Drops On Roses

water droplets on green

Water Droplets On Green

blueberries in hand

Blueberries In Hand

rainy window pane

Rainy Window Pane

fresh asparagus with water drops

Fresh Asparagus With Water Drops

rose with water droplets

Rose With Water Droplets

plants after rain

Plants After Rain

blueberries on linen

Blueberries On Linen

moisture gathers on leaf

Moisture Gathers On Leaf

woman behind rainy window

Woman Behind Rainy Window

rainy glass roof

Rainy Glass Roof

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