Clinic, check up & doctor pictures

Browse our collection of doctor & clinic photos. Find high-quality images of doctor’s offices, patient check ups, medical tools (stethoscopes, tongue depressors) and more. Free to download and use in any commercial projects.

nurse helping patient

Nurse Helping Patient

doctor's office flatlay

Doctor's Office Flatlay

medical doctor's desk

Medical Doctor's Desk

stethoscope & scrubs

Stethoscope & Scrubs

woman doctor

Woman Doctor

medical toy flatlay

Medical Toy Flatlay

surgeon tying head scarf

Surgeon Tying Head Scarf

doctor looking at clipboard

Doctor Looking At Clipboard

doctors medical gear

Doctors Medical Gear

a doctor smiles while holding her clipboard

A Doctor Smiles While Holding Her Clipboard

doctor and patient in a doctor's office

Doctor And Patient In A Doctor's Office

medical staff at computer

Medical Staff At Computer

doctor reaches towards shelf

Doctor Reaches Towards Shelf

male doctor arms crossed

Male Doctor Arms Crossed

surgeon wearing face mask

Surgeon Wearing Face Mask

doctor sits against wall

Doctor Sits Against Wall

doctor approaches patient

Doctor Approaches Patient

male doctor standing with arms crossed

Male Doctor Standing With Arms Crossed

smiling dentist

Smiling Dentist

doctor walking down hallway with clipboard

Doctor Walking Down Hallway With Clipboard

male doctor holding out stethoscope

Male Doctor Holding Out Stethoscope

dentist in office

Dentist In Office

male doctor with stethoscope and clipboard

Male Doctor With Stethoscope And Clipboard

nurse pushing wheelchair

Nurse Pushing Wheelchair

female medical professional holds clipboard in hospital room

Female Medical Professional Holds Clipboard In Hospital Room

doctor and nurse examine x-rays

Doctor And Nurse Examine X-Rays

female doctor

Female Doctor

patient receives some good news

Patient Receives Some Good News

male doctor holding clipboard

Male Doctor Holding Clipboard

person wearing white gloves prepares a needle

Person Wearing White Gloves Prepares A Needle

dentists office

Dentists Office

nurse weighing patient

Nurse Weighing Patient

new mother in hospital gown embraces her baby

New Mother In Hospital Gown Embraces Her Baby

mother and father smiling down on their newborn baby

Mother And Father Smiling Down On Their Newborn Baby

wounded hand is dressed

Wounded Hand Is Dressed

the top of a mechanical scale in a hospital exam room

The Top Of A Mechanical Scale In A Hospital Exam Room

doctor holds chart

Doctor Holds Chart

patient in wheelchair

Patient In Wheelchair

mother and father embrace in hospital bed with newborn

Mother And Father Embrace In Hospital Bed With Newborn

mother smiles as she holds newborn baby while resting in bed

Mother Smiles As She Holds Newborn Baby While Resting In Bed

man in hospital bed comforted by friend as doctor looks on

Man In Hospital Bed Comforted By Friend As Doctor Looks On

woman cradles newborn baby under watchful eyes of doctors

Woman Cradles Newborn Baby Under Watchful Eyes Of Doctors

mother and father embrace in hospital bed while admiring baby

Mother And Father Embrace In Hospital Bed While Admiring Baby

empty medical examining table sitting next to supplies

Empty Medical Examining Table Sitting Next To Supplies

new mother smiling at her baby while resting in hospital bed

New Mother Smiling At Her Baby While Resting In Hospital Bed

mother and father sitting in hospital bed admiring newborn

Mother And Father Sitting In Hospital Bed Admiring Newborn

a male patient smiles while holding the hand of a friend

A Male Patient Smiles While Holding The Hand Of A Friend

reading in hospital waiting room

Reading In Hospital Waiting Room

medical professional in scrubs holding clipboard and pen

Medical Professional In Scrubs Holding Clipboard And Pen

patients view of dentist

Patients View Of Dentist

woman lays head on hospital bed while patient comforts her

Woman Lays Head On Hospital Bed While Patient Comforts Her

doctors office

Doctors Office

uncovered body in a morgue freezer

Uncovered Body In A Morgue Freezer

lifeless contents of a morgue freezer

Lifeless Contents Of A Morgue Freezer

morgue attendant closing a freezer

Morgue Attendant Closing A Freezer

a new father sits in a chair holding his newborn baby

A New Father Sits In A Chair Holding His Newborn Baby

dental patient point of view

Dental Patient Point Of View

dentist checkup tools

Dentist Checkup Tools

medical monitoring machine and supplies in hospital hallway

Medical Monitoring Machine And Supplies In Hospital Hallway

medical professional in scrubs unwraps sterile forceps

Medical Professional In Scrubs Unwraps Sterile Forceps

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