Chess Images

Looking for chess pictures for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos of chess. All photos are in HD format and free to download

a wise looking gnome surrounded by chess pieces

A Wise Looking Gnome Surrounded By Chess Pieces

dark wooden chess pieces on black

Dark Wooden Chess Pieces On Black

dark wooden chess pieces against a black background

Dark Wooden Chess Pieces Against A Black Background

chess pieces in focus on a wooden chess board

Chess Pieces In Focus On A Wooden Chess Board

chess pieces set up on a wooden chess board

Chess Pieces Set Up On A Wooden Chess Board

a wooden chess board at the start of the game

A Wooden Chess Board At The Start Of The Game

wooden chess pieces set for a game

Wooden Chess Pieces Set For A Game

chess board bathed in light creating shadows

Chess Board Bathed In Light Creating Shadows

wooden chess set in partial window light

Wooden Chess Set In Partial Window Light

wooden chess set bathed in warm window light

Wooden Chess Set Bathed In Warm Window Light

antique chess

Antique Chess

chess pieces close up

Chess Pieces Close Up

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Choosing chess images

When you’re looking for dramatic photos of two-player board games, there’s nowhere better to start than with chess. Chess images over the years have seemed to favor moody lighting and intense, shadowy angles, adding a layer of allure and mystery to the time-tested game. There are other toys and games that can be captured in the same powerful way, but there’s something about chess’s long history that just adds to the intrigue.

When you’re looking for images of chess you’ll want to start by deciding if this is the aesthetic you’re after. Does the dim lighting fit your branding or preferred color palette? Pictures of a chess board can also take on a very different style depending on who is shown playing the game. A game between friends, for instance, can give off an amicable, happy feeling, while a competitive match might not.

One of the other factors that plays a big role in the style of chess photos is the material used for the board and pieces. Most traditional chess sets are made of wood or marble which means that you may not wind up with the most colorful images. On the other hand, these days you can also play chess online. If this is the type of game you’re looking to represent, you will likely want to emphasize technology devices like tablets.

In Burst’s free library of stock images, you can browse through the latest chess images in HD format. Our contributors have built out curated collections that give you endless opportunities for sharing pics across your website or social media channels. If you’re ready to start your search, check out the latest free photos powered by our Burst contributors and download them onto your desktop or mobile devices in seconds.