Blue Background Images

Looking for blue background photos for your next project? Burst has curated royalty-free photos with blue backgrounds. All photos are in HD format and free to download

spilled milk on blue

Spilled Milk On Blue

green leaf stems against a blue background

Green Leaf Stems Against A Blue Background

plastic bottles on blue

Plastic Bottles On Blue

tulips and mom card

Tulips And Mom Card

tulip flowers in corner

Tulip Flowers In Corner

model in heels and overalls with blue

Model In Heels And Overalls With Blue

blue recycle sign

Blue Recycle Sign

mixture of tools and leather goods

Mixture Of Tools And Leather Goods

hands hold up a potted aloe plant

Hands Hold Up A Potted Aloe Plant

a bunch of white daisy in a glass jar against a blue background

A Bunch Of White Daisy In A Glass Jar Against A Blue Background

a woman in a plain green shirt against a blue backdrop

A Woman In A Plain Green Shirt Against A Blue Backdrop

metal strainer with loose tea next to a tea towel

Metal Strainer With Loose Tea Next To A Tea Towel

mug with a lid and strainer sits against a blue background

Mug With A Lid And Strainer Sits Against A Blue Background

the left hand adjusts a ring on the right hand

The Left Hand Adjusts A Ring On The Right Hand

persons hand with a ring on it against blue

Persons Hand With A Ring On It Against Blue

a hand grips a black gathered jump rope

A Hand Grips A Black Gathered Jump Rope

hands adjust a ring on the right ring finger

Hands Adjust A Ring On The Right Ring Finger

card for mom with petals

Card For Mom With Petals

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How to choose the best blue background images

From bright murals to simple flatlays to calming ocean waves, there are tons of different directions you can go when it comes to selecting blue background images. As you start to look for the perfect pic, ask yourself what you need to convey through this image. Are you looking for pictures of people or objects up against a blue background? Or would you rather use a simple textured blue photo for your background with nothing else in the frame? In that case, you may want to consider starting with a more general search for wallpaper photos before limiting yourself to a single color.

If you are set on blue, there are countless searches that could guide you to the perfect blue background pictures. For instance, our ocean collection includes all sorts of stunning landscape and aerial shots of water and blue skies that could fill your image with a brilliant blue background. Or, if you’re looking for more abstract blue background photos, you may want to search for textures first. From painted brick to dyed liquids, you’ll find all sorts of photos you could use. Do you need a single blue shade, or would something colorful do the trick? These are all questions you can ask yourself as you narrow in on the perfect images for your blue background.

Our free library of high res stock images makes it easy to find blue background images for your next project. Start browsing the collections of beautiful pics powered by our Burst contributors and get creative in your searches. Once you find the best shot, you can download it in seconds to bring your project to life.