Marcelo Colmenero

I am a photographer and Director of Photography having produced some short films as well as a documentary. I love taking urban photos that show the contemporary world of today. I am also passionate about symmetry and I try to apply this to my photos. Sou fotógrafo e também Diretor de Fotografia onde já produzi alguns curta metragens e também um documentário. Gosto muito de tirar fotos urbanas que mostrem o mundo contemporâneo de hoje. Sou apaixonado também pela simetria e busco aplicar isso as minhas fotos.

location Praia Grande/São Paulo, Brazil

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Colorful Crate Wall | View photo

Marcelo Colmenero has contributed 34 photos since February 2018

bare kitchen

Bare Kitchen

man at diner counter

Man At Diner Counter

men laying on metal rooftop

Men Laying On Metal Rooftop

man lounging feet up

Man Lounging Feet Up

window light through office window

Window Light Through Office Window

man sits streetside

Man Sits Streetside

man overlooks highway bridge

Man Overlooks Highway Bridge

local community outdoors

Local Community Outdoors

furniture pile greyscale

Furniture Pile Greyscale

yellow car in tropics

Yellow Car In Tropics

residence windows

Residence Windows

up stairwell through bars

Up Stairwell Through Bars

man in work room

Man In Work Room

colorful crate wall

Colorful Crate Wall

green tall doors

Green Tall Doors

window light in wooden roof

Window Light In Wooden Roof

home with open windows

Home With Open Windows

potuguese writing on wall

Potuguese Writing On Wall

empty market stall

Empty Market Stall

road side shed

Road Side Shed

crumbling plaster wall

Crumbling Plaster Wall

brazil banner above outdoor wall

Brazil Banner Above Outdoor Wall

crumbling plaster brick wall

Crumbling Plaster Brick Wall

brazil mountains view

Brazil Mountains View

stripped car roadside

Stripped Car Roadside

rainhole cover pavement

Rainhole Cover Pavement

banana stand

Banana Stand

vivo stop roadside

Vivo Stop Roadside

nao entre wall

Nao Entre Wall

horse statue on trailer

Horse Statue On Trailer

grate in plaster wall

Grate In Plaster Wall

golden catholic church ceiling

Golden Catholic Church Ceiling

rail tracks station

Rail Tracks Station

covered vehicle streetside

Covered Vehicle Streetside